Construire la ville et son environnement : Les grandes villes canadiennes et la biodiversité


  • Louis Guay Université Laval


Urban Theory, Urban assemblages, Urban policy, Biodiversity, Metropolitan areas, Canada


Has global environmental change impacted on the urban way of life and on urban policy? Research shows that climate change has become a major urban political issue, but what can one say about biodiversity? This paper will, firstly, examine the urban assemblage perspective, which presents itself as a new approach to urban theory. This approach has been criticized, but its remains valid as a way of making sense of emerging urban practices. Among these practices are urban policy on climate change and biodiversity. Secondly, the paper examines action plans on biodiversity in six Canadian metropolises. The conclusion asks whether taking into account global environmental change in urban planning leads to a new reshaping of large urban areas.

Author Biography

Louis Guay, Université Laval

Département de sociologie et 

Institut en environnement, développement et société


